Enquiries: 01428 685155

Financial Control Solutions



About Tritorr

Chargecard Solutions

Invoicing Solutions

Reporting Solutions




Tritorr Limited

Registered Office:

Tritorr Ltd,

Newtown House

38 Newtown Road


Hants   GU30 7DX, UK

UK Company Number 4437698

UK Company VAT Number 793 9458 62


©  Tritorr  2014.

Surrey, England 

Tel: +44 (0) 1428 685155

Email: enquiries@tritorr.com


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Our site Map.



...and humorously....

We take business very seriously indeed but we sometimes need to balance this to retain our perspective on  life.  We thought you might appreciate some of the situations we have encountered so we have commissioned a couple of cartoons.  We hope they will raise a smile.

"At the outset, some people think their new ERP system will do everything.  Its just as well because they wont have time to do anything else".  Look how happy the consultant is!: click here

Initially at least, some people think scanning invoices holds the key to success. The illusion doesn't last long: click here

And some people are just so darn busy that they haven't time to look at new products: click here


If you do make use of any of the material on our site, please credit us.