Enquiries: 01428 685155

Financial Control Solutions



About Tritorr

Chargecard Solutions

Invoicing Solutions

Reporting Solutions




Tritorr Limited

Registered Office:

Tritorr Ltd,

Newtown House

38 Newtown Road


Hants   GU30 7DX, UK

UK Company Number 4437698

UK Company VAT Number 793 9458 62


©  Tritorr  2014.

Surrey, England 

Tel: +44 (0) 1428 685155

Email: enquiries@tritorr.com


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Further Detailed Information:

Exporting your invoices to your customers: click here

Importing your invoices from your suppliers: click here

Importing your invoices - further details : click here

Importing your invoices - business context: click here

Importing your invoices - a case study: click here


In a nut-shell, what does IBO actually do?

IBO breaks apart large, unmanageable invoices and presents the data to the individual responsible for verifying that the bill is correct. Then it is presented to their manager to ensure the expenditure was incurred within policy.  Finally, IBO collects the data back together and presents it to your finance system for automatic processing.


Q: Is it correct-to-pay this invoice?     

A:  Sorry - don't ask me -  I haven't a clue.

In any transaction you undertake , when you are asked to pay for an something, you activate a correct-to-pay process.

For some products in business, the answer is at best inconclusive and this is where Invoice BackOffice comes into it's own.

IBO enables you to clearly resolve the correct-to-pay question.  Both you and your customers have complete peace of mind that you are only paying for those items that should be paid for.  Full audit trails are retained and can be examined over the web, as and when required.



You can save money in both directions.

Invoices can flow in two directions.  They can either be those that you receive from your suppliers, or those that you send to your customers.

Invoice BackOffice (IBO for short) will enable the movement of invoices into your organisation from your suppliers, or out from from you to your customers.

In our terms, you are therefore either importing invoices (processing those coming inwards) or exporting invoices (processing those you wish your customer to pay).

Why use IBO for managing your invoices?  Simply because whether your are exporting or importing your invoices, IBO has been proved to save you large sums of money.