Enquiries: 01428 685155

Financial Control Solutions



About Tritorr

Chargecard Solutions

Invoicing Solutions

Reporting Solutions




Tritorr Limited

Registered Office:

Tritorr Ltd,

Newtown House

38 Newtown Road


Hants   GU30 7DX, UK

UK Company Number 4437698

UK Company VAT Number 793 9458 62


©  Tritorr  2014.

Surrey, England 

Tel: +44 (0) 1428 685155

Email: enquiries@tritorr.com


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Welcome to our website.

Robust financial control is not an option - it's a fundamental necessity.

Tritorr offer a variety of web based solutions all of which are aimed at  maximising Financial Control.  We excel in areas often considered 'too difficult' simply because the data involved are so large that they cannot be processed effectively in today's disparate organisations.

Our solutions cover almost any commodity group you can think of, but we excel where data volumes are very high and your staff are spread throughout many locations.


"... if you don't control your finances, in the long run they will control you..."


"...this is the Holy Grail of Procurement and Payment..."  

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